Another one of my most favorite Christmas movie is "A Christmas Story." It has been one of my favorites since I was a a kid.
The movie is about a young boy named Ralphie and this one Christmas gift that he really wants. During the movie he also shows how his family is and what it was like for him as a kid during Christmas. His family was basically like any other family. A father, who is hard working and is basically the head of the house hold and disciplines him, his mother who is a stay at home mom and a real sweetheart, and there is his little brother who just tags along everywhere he goes. Then he has his two best friends and of course the meanest school bully.
Ralphie really wanted a shot-gun that shot bebes, but everybody he asked for said he will shoot his eye out. Well eventually his dad went against his mothers whishes and bought him the gun for Christmas. He want outside to play with it, and of course he shot his eye out.
It is really a hysterical movie and it is great for kids. Once again I rate it five-stars and a must see for the holidays.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
National Lampons Christmas Vacation
Every Christmas me and my mother wait for our favorite Christmas movies to come on. Our favorite Christmas movie is "National Lampoons Christmas Vacation."
It is a great movie about a loving husband and father, named Clark Grizwald, and he is so into Christmas. He is kind of one of those Corney fathers, who has all those little jokes and plans all these little family get togethers. His wife is the same way and there one of those couples that have those little pet names for eachother. The kids are average teenagers, who just want to be with their friends and believe there parents are the most emarissing people on earth.
This Christmas the "Grizwald" family had invited the whole family over there house for Christmas. There family consits of the normal parents from both husband and wife, the really old and crazy aunt and uncle, and the most craziest cousin and his family. Clark tries to make it the best Christmas ever but, of course the family is always ther to make it as difficult as possibe.
This movie is hysterical and no matter how mant times me and my mom watch it, where always in tears. I give this movie five stars and it is a must see.
It is a great movie about a loving husband and father, named Clark Grizwald, and he is so into Christmas. He is kind of one of those Corney fathers, who has all those little jokes and plans all these little family get togethers. His wife is the same way and there one of those couples that have those little pet names for eachother. The kids are average teenagers, who just want to be with their friends and believe there parents are the most emarissing people on earth.
This Christmas the "Grizwald" family had invited the whole family over there house for Christmas. There family consits of the normal parents from both husband and wife, the really old and crazy aunt and uncle, and the most craziest cousin and his family. Clark tries to make it the best Christmas ever but, of course the family is always ther to make it as difficult as possibe.
This movie is hysterical and no matter how mant times me and my mom watch it, where always in tears. I give this movie five stars and it is a must see.

What is your favorite holiday?
Well like most people, mine is Christmas. I love Christmas because, I love traditions. I love the decorations on all the houses, the christmas music, everything. My house is like a family house where my whole family lives, so are lawn is very big and has a lot of bushes. When my uncle decorates all the bushes a diffrent color in lights. Then my uncle outlines the house in big red and white light bulbs. Also, when you look threw all four windows you see each of out christmas trees and the windows decorated in some winter wonderland scenes.
Every Christmas day me and my brother wake-up really ealry and wake everyone in the house up. We go upstairs and bring wake up our little cousins and we start to bring down all their gifts. Then we all next door and wake up our grandparents and bring over all there gifts. This way were all together on chritmas morning opening up our gifts. My dad usually runs out and pickss up bagels and donuts for when where done. Then when were all finished everyone rushes to take showers and get ready to leave for my aunts in Brooklyn. Every year Christmas is at her house and the whole family is there.
I just love the feeling of Christmas. I get just a warm feeling inside and start smiling. I love the traditions and seeing my whole family together. I love the smell of the food and everyone talking and laughing.
Monday, December 3, 2007

Do yo rember when you were younger and playing in the snow? How much did you love it? How much do you love it now?
Well I rember when I was younger I loved the snow. I loved it for so many reasons. I loved it because, all the kids would run outside build snowmen, have snow ball fights, and make snow angels. I rember one year I had to be about six or seven years old and we had a really big snow storm. It was so bad that all schools and city jobs were cancelled. My father and my two uncles built the largest igloo I have ever seen. I have a big lawn and that igloo took up the whole lawn. I rember there being so much snow on the ground that i couldn'y walk.All the parents on the block made a dug a walk way going across the street so the kids can crawl from one side to the other. It was such a blast and at the end of the day my mom would make me and my brother either hot choclate or soup.
Now I see snow completely diffrent. When I was younger I thought it was so great and beautiful. Now, I still do think its beautiful, but only when it first falls, after a while it starts to turn brown and into slush from all the cars. I hate driving in it when I have to go to school or work. I hate having to shovel it and then in a half hour it looks like you never even sholved. I wish I can go back to being little and having fun in the snow.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
July of 2007
I want to tell this story about my borther. It isn't a funny story, it is actually very upsetting, but I believe that it is something kids should read about to understand the effects of driving.
In july somewhere between July 23rd and July26th, my brother Tommy was in a very serious car accident. My brother and a few of his friends on the night went to applebees on Veterans Road East, where the new Home Depot is. After they had left applebee's on there way home they had recieved a phon call from one of their friends that work in applebees. He was asking them to go back and pick him up from work, because he had no ride home. So they decided they would.
There was two cars. In the first car was my brother and his grilfriend in the back seat. In the front seat was two of my brother closests friends. In the other car there was another three boys who my brother angs out with on a day-to-day basis. On the way back the boys were speeding and the boy who was driving the car my brother was in had lost control of the car.
It was wet out that night and the roads were slippery so the car bein spinning out of control and hit the other car. The other car spun all the way down the block and into a fence. The other car the car my brother was in spun around into the woods and wrapped around two garders that were blocking a fire hydrant. The car split in half and the front of the car where my brothers two friends were sitting went one way and the back part where my brother and his girlfriend were sitting went the other. My brother and his girlfriend were both ejected from the car. He landed right in front of the car but his girlfriend landed directly thirty-feet behind him into the woods.
On her way in she hit a tree and she broke her pelvis, both her legs, and all of her ribs. She also had brain damage. When the paramedics got there they prononced her dead on site, but they were albe to revive her a little to get her to the hospital. However, she passed away a few hours later. She was only seven teen. When I arrived at the site my brother was lying on the floor unconcious and bleeding from his head. He was admitted into the hospital with ten cracked ribs, a bruised left lung, and a fractured spinal chord. For three days all he asked about was where his girlfrined was and why he couldn't talk to her. We could not tell because, we were scared that he would go into shock and his lungs would collapse.
There is alot more to this story but, I really wanted to focus on this part and get my point across. Driving is not a game, speeding will only end badly. Trying to get there four seconds before can cost you someones life. The day after she passed away, there was a cermony being held for at the scene of the accident. When it was all over kids were speeding away from the scene of the accident. That just show that kids will never learn unless there are truly effected by it.
In july somewhere between July 23rd and July26th, my brother Tommy was in a very serious car accident. My brother and a few of his friends on the night went to applebees on Veterans Road East, where the new Home Depot is. After they had left applebee's on there way home they had recieved a phon call from one of their friends that work in applebees. He was asking them to go back and pick him up from work, because he had no ride home. So they decided they would.
There was two cars. In the first car was my brother and his grilfriend in the back seat. In the front seat was two of my brother closests friends. In the other car there was another three boys who my brother angs out with on a day-to-day basis. On the way back the boys were speeding and the boy who was driving the car my brother was in had lost control of the car.
It was wet out that night and the roads were slippery so the car bein spinning out of control and hit the other car. The other car spun all the way down the block and into a fence. The other car the car my brother was in spun around into the woods and wrapped around two garders that were blocking a fire hydrant. The car split in half and the front of the car where my brothers two friends were sitting went one way and the back part where my brother and his girlfriend were sitting went the other. My brother and his girlfriend were both ejected from the car. He landed right in front of the car but his girlfriend landed directly thirty-feet behind him into the woods.
On her way in she hit a tree and she broke her pelvis, both her legs, and all of her ribs. She also had brain damage. When the paramedics got there they prononced her dead on site, but they were albe to revive her a little to get her to the hospital. However, she passed away a few hours later. She was only seven teen. When I arrived at the site my brother was lying on the floor unconcious and bleeding from his head. He was admitted into the hospital with ten cracked ribs, a bruised left lung, and a fractured spinal chord. For three days all he asked about was where his girlfrined was and why he couldn't talk to her. We could not tell because, we were scared that he would go into shock and his lungs would collapse.
There is alot more to this story but, I really wanted to focus on this part and get my point across. Driving is not a game, speeding will only end badly. Trying to get there four seconds before can cost you someones life. The day after she passed away, there was a cermony being held for at the scene of the accident. When it was all over kids were speeding away from the scene of the accident. That just show that kids will never learn unless there are truly effected by it.
Cell Phones

Isn't it amazing how far technology has come? Especially with cell phone
Cell Phones started out as these big portable phone, almost the size of a portable house phone now. Then they started getting smaller, and smaller, and now they are so small, there are some literally smaller than my palm. Then they started adding new features, like games, text messaging, camera, go online, ringtones, and ring back ringtones. Now phone can flip into a keyboard, flip two diffrent ways, and now is even a touch screen. That introduced the new iphone. The iphone allows you to play music, watch videos, go online zoom in, zoom out, basically do anything you can do on a computer and more. However, the iphone only was allowed to be used in one wireless network and that network was at&t. Now, verizon has come out with one.
It's just amazing all the thingsa they can fit into something the size of my palm. Also, now cell phones have become such a huge part of life, actually technology in general has become our way of life. Anyone who leaves home without it is completely lost. Some people store there whole lives in there and if you lose your cell phone and someone else finds it, it now becomes a huge problem. Some people store their whole identity in there.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Girl World
Have you ever heard the expression "Bro's before Ho's?" Well what about girls? What is there pact for making sure that a member of the opposite sex would never split them up?
Well my answer to the is NO. See for girls it is a lot worse than for boys, because girls are a lot more manipulative and backstabbing then boys are. Howver in "girl world" as i like to call it there are rules. For example, say you have a boyfriend but you and a bunch of your girlfriends go out for a girls night out and you spot a kid that you think is cute. Now you go and tell your bestfriend and she looks over and also think that he is cute. Now suppose that the kid comes up and starts dancing with your bestfriend and she is flirting with him and they kiss. Now any guy would say that it is okay because, he is fair game and yoy already have a boyfriend. However, in girl world it is not okay because you saw him first. Now this is going to cause a whole big ordeal and now you and your bestfriend are probaly never going to talk to eachother again. Your argument would be that you saw him first and that was a backstabbing move and her argument will be that you already have a boyfirned and he started flirting with her first.
Well my answer to the is NO. See for girls it is a lot worse than for boys, because girls are a lot more manipulative and backstabbing then boys are. Howver in "girl world" as i like to call it there are rules. For example, say you have a boyfriend but you and a bunch of your girlfriends go out for a girls night out and you spot a kid that you think is cute. Now you go and tell your bestfriend and she looks over and also think that he is cute. Now suppose that the kid comes up and starts dancing with your bestfriend and she is flirting with him and they kiss. Now any guy would say that it is okay because, he is fair game and yoy already have a boyfriend. However, in girl world it is not okay because you saw him first. Now this is going to cause a whole big ordeal and now you and your bestfriend are probaly never going to talk to eachother again. Your argument would be that you saw him first and that was a backstabbing move and her argument will be that you already have a boyfirned and he started flirting with her first.
Why are tattoo's so addicting?
Everyone I know that has a tattoo is always talking about how they need another one, they can't wait to get another one. I don't understand why they feel the necessity to cover up their body in ink. I mean one or two is fine, even three is okay but to have you whole body covered is beyond me. All I can think about, when I think about actually getting one is, when I'm older how they are going to look. When I'm in my thirty's and having children and when I'm in my sixty's or seventy's when I have grandchildren and my skin is not as young looking as it used to be; How will I look? However, I'm not trying to put down anyone with them, it is just my opinion, but I do believe they should have a limit.
Everyone I know that has a tattoo is always talking about how they need another one, they can't wait to get another one. I don't understand why they feel the necessity to cover up their body in ink. I mean one or two is fine, even three is okay but to have you whole body covered is beyond me. All I can think about, when I think about actually getting one is, when I'm older how they are going to look. When I'm in my thirty's and having children and when I'm in my sixty's or seventy's when I have grandchildren and my skin is not as young looking as it used to be; How will I look? However, I'm not trying to put down anyone with them, it is just my opinion, but I do believe they should have a limit.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Do you believe in Ghosts? Do you believe that yout house is haunted? or Have you heard stories that begin to freak you out?
My friends and I went out to eat last night and somehow we started getting into the topic of ghosts and haunted houses. We all had stories and a few hours before my boyfriend and I were watching a show on, I believe it was the discovery channel, but it was about ghosts and haunted houses. People who believe that there house is haunted, call ghost busters or mediums(a person who connects with afterlife spirits) to see if what they see and hear is true. Between the television and the stories my friends were telling, I really do believe in ghosts. I believe that they are just spirits who are not comfortable accepting the fact that they had passed or they think they have a duty to finish before they do settle. Sure the stories can just be there imagination playing with them and the television shoe can of course be fake, but that brings me back to my question. That is up to you to decide but, think have you ever had a feeling that someone was just standing over you, when there was really no one there. Have you ever thought you seen something that you thought was just your mind playing tricks on you. Thats for you to decide but, there are somethings that happen in life that cannot be scientifically explained.
My friends and I went out to eat last night and somehow we started getting into the topic of ghosts and haunted houses. We all had stories and a few hours before my boyfriend and I were watching a show on, I believe it was the discovery channel, but it was about ghosts and haunted houses. People who believe that there house is haunted, call ghost busters or mediums(a person who connects with afterlife spirits) to see if what they see and hear is true. Between the television and the stories my friends were telling, I really do believe in ghosts. I believe that they are just spirits who are not comfortable accepting the fact that they had passed or they think they have a duty to finish before they do settle. Sure the stories can just be there imagination playing with them and the television shoe can of course be fake, but that brings me back to my question. That is up to you to decide but, think have you ever had a feeling that someone was just standing over you, when there was really no one there. Have you ever thought you seen something that you thought was just your mind playing tricks on you. Thats for you to decide but, there are somethings that happen in life that cannot be scientifically explained.
I think one question I ask myself everyday is:
"Why are girls so cruel?"
I don't believe there is an ansewr to that, but to further explain why I ask myself that question:
When boys have a problem with someone,they just confront them, and if they believe it's neccessary they fist fight. Girls however, go further than that. Before they actually confront that person, they do their absolute best to make that person so mad, and so upset until the point that they just break. They spread rumors around, make their friends give them dirty looks, and criticize them to no end. Girls really really know how to get deep down inside someone and just make them freak out. Unlike boys, we like to play mental games and get into all the drama we possibly can. Some girls I believe just live for drama, I honestly think that their friends are just there for their entertainment and when they get bored they create problems either with them or for them.
"Why are girls so cruel?"
I don't believe there is an ansewr to that, but to further explain why I ask myself that question:
When boys have a problem with someone,they just confront them, and if they believe it's neccessary they fist fight. Girls however, go further than that. Before they actually confront that person, they do their absolute best to make that person so mad, and so upset until the point that they just break. They spread rumors around, make their friends give them dirty looks, and criticize them to no end. Girls really really know how to get deep down inside someone and just make them freak out. Unlike boys, we like to play mental games and get into all the drama we possibly can. Some girls I believe just live for drama, I honestly think that their friends are just there for their entertainment and when they get bored they create problems either with them or for them.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
A Picture
Have you ever heard the expression "A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words" or has anybody ever asked you the question "If there was a fire and you had to evacuate your house, but can only take one thing; What would you take?"
My answer to that would be my photo albums, because pictures are the only things you can never replace. Clothes, money, dolls, acceories, can all be replaced. However, pictures can never be replaced. You can't try to recreate the same memories. There are pictures that as soon as you look at them you may start hysterical laughing or crying. You begin to look at those pictures and begin to tell the whole story about that day and it brings back more memories. Thats why I believe the expression "A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words" is true.
My answer to that would be my photo albums, because pictures are the only things you can never replace. Clothes, money, dolls, acceories, can all be replaced. However, pictures can never be replaced. You can't try to recreate the same memories. There are pictures that as soon as you look at them you may start hysterical laughing or crying. You begin to look at those pictures and begin to tell the whole story about that day and it brings back more memories. Thats why I believe the expression "A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words" is true.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Lovers forsaken by a love forgot
Broken hearts taken to a loveless lot
Where mourners morbidly pay their respect
And the desperate dreamers come to reflect
On the hopeless hopes of which they design
Like preachers prayen to a godless sign
False prophets of unpractical pretense
Serving surmons with tactical suspense
Loves become the faith of the faithless flock
So succumb by fate, all the fateless mock
Freddy Savarese
Broken hearts taken to a loveless lot
Where mourners morbidly pay their respect
And the desperate dreamers come to reflect
On the hopeless hopes of which they design
Like preachers prayen to a godless sign
False prophets of unpractical pretense
Serving surmons with tactical suspense
Loves become the faith of the faithless flock
So succumb by fate, all the fateless mock
Freddy Savarese

I wouldn't actually say that I have a favorite holiday, because I think every holiday is great in its own way. I truly get excited about every holiday and love them all. However, halloween is great because, for one night you get to act crazy. You get to dress up any way you want. Weather it be crazy, cute, funny, scarry, or even a little sexy. Its your day to be what you want to be and do what you want. I love watching the little kids run from house to house in all their costumes, they get so excited. Watching the pre-teens running around going bomming. All teenagers and adults wondering whos going to have a great party and the excitment of picking out a costume, and seeing other people in costumes. No matter what halloween is always a fun night, and something memorible always happens.
Your Star lit Face
I hath seen the highest highs
And the very lowest lows
Brilliantly lit midnight skies
Darkness when the moonlight goes
But its when I see your star lit face
That I truely see gods intended grace
And when I touch your soft scented hair
Its that which my heart dares not bear
Freddy Savarese
And the very lowest lows
Brilliantly lit midnight skies
Darkness when the moonlight goes
But its when I see your star lit face
That I truely see gods intended grace
And when I touch your soft scented hair
Its that which my heart dares not bear
Freddy Savarese
Thursday, October 4, 2007
1. Your name plus "y"?
2. Two feelings at the moment?
tired, hungary
3. What are you listening to right now?
my professor and class
4. Done anything you regret so far this week?
5. Describe where you are right now?
english class
6. The highlight of your week?
this weekend
7. What are you craving to have right now?
waterr and hungary
8. Who were the last people you went out to dinner with?
Alyssa and Danielle
9. What are you scared of?
thunder storms, spiders, and the ninja
10. Last movie you watched?
Mall Rats
11. Do you have feelings for someone?
very much so
14. Britney Spears is GROSS Agree or disagree?
15. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?
Nobody Wants to be Alone-Good Charlotte
16. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital?
My brother
18. Name a friend whose name starts with "J"?
19. Hug or kiss?
21. How many houses have you lived in?
Only two
22. What did you eat last night?
Fettucinni Alfredo
23. Who was the last person to text message you?
24. Where was the last place you went besides where you are?
Math class
25. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
26. Do you speak any other language other than english?
27. Last thing you watched on TV?
Saved by the Bell
28. Do you dress for style or comfort?
Both, but mostly comfort
29. Name someone with the same birthday as you?
I don't know
30. Ever had a drunken night in Mexico?
31. Who would win a fight?
32. Faced with a death, which way would you rather go out?
Interesting question, I never thought about it though
33. What's your favorite cereal character?
The Rice Krispies brothers
37. Next holiday coming up?
38. Any plans?
39. What are your plans for tomorrow?
It's the weekend, always a party
40. What are you looking forward to tomorrow?
41. Favorite teacher?
Mrs. Giaccolone, I miss her
42. Last time you caught yourself smiling?
This Morning
2. Two feelings at the moment?
tired, hungary
3. What are you listening to right now?
my professor and class
4. Done anything you regret so far this week?
5. Describe where you are right now?
english class
6. The highlight of your week?
this weekend
7. What are you craving to have right now?
waterr and hungary
8. Who were the last people you went out to dinner with?
Alyssa and Danielle
9. What are you scared of?
thunder storms, spiders, and the ninja
10. Last movie you watched?
Mall Rats
11. Do you have feelings for someone?
very much so
14. Britney Spears is GROSS Agree or disagree?
15. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?
Nobody Wants to be Alone-Good Charlotte
16. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital?
My brother
18. Name a friend whose name starts with "J"?
19. Hug or kiss?
21. How many houses have you lived in?
Only two
22. What did you eat last night?
Fettucinni Alfredo
23. Who was the last person to text message you?
24. Where was the last place you went besides where you are?
Math class
25. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
26. Do you speak any other language other than english?
27. Last thing you watched on TV?
Saved by the Bell
28. Do you dress for style or comfort?
Both, but mostly comfort
29. Name someone with the same birthday as you?
I don't know
30. Ever had a drunken night in Mexico?
31. Who would win a fight?
32. Faced with a death, which way would you rather go out?
Interesting question, I never thought about it though
33. What's your favorite cereal character?
The Rice Krispies brothers
37. Next holiday coming up?
38. Any plans?
39. What are your plans for tomorrow?
It's the weekend, always a party
40. What are you looking forward to tomorrow?
41. Favorite teacher?
Mrs. Giaccolone, I miss her
42. Last time you caught yourself smiling?
This Morning
The ticking clock
"I set my watch to the beat of my heart
The thousandth beat was at noon the day before
And by noon tomorrow
It will have beat a thousand more
A beat and a tick
A beat and a tock
My hearts last kick
Threw off the clock
Now they beat apart
My clock and heart"
Freddy Savarese
Just to be clear, this poem and the one i posted befor it is not obviously wirtten by me, nor is it a famous or published poet. These poems are written by my friend Freddy and once in a while he will get an urge to write a poem and when he feels like sharing them he will usually email them to me and a few other friends. So I figured it would be interesting to post them on my blog and see if they interest others. Some of them I don;t always understand, but others might and they might connect to it.
The thousandth beat was at noon the day before
And by noon tomorrow
It will have beat a thousand more
A beat and a tick
A beat and a tock
My hearts last kick
Threw off the clock
Now they beat apart
My clock and heart"
Freddy Savarese
Just to be clear, this poem and the one i posted befor it is not obviously wirtten by me, nor is it a famous or published poet. These poems are written by my friend Freddy and once in a while he will get an urge to write a poem and when he feels like sharing them he will usually email them to me and a few other friends. So I figured it would be interesting to post them on my blog and see if they interest others. Some of them I don;t always understand, but others might and they might connect to it.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
A memoir is basically an autobiography. Weather or not you no it you have already begun one. You write it every day in your instant messagings, e-mails, diarys, letters, or journals. It tells the the things that happened to you through out your life. Wheather, it be a goal you achievd, someone you love, or a tradgedy that has happened to you. A memoir highlights the key points in your life and give the reason it was so meaningful to you. It is usually more of your emotional, rather than a list of facts through out your life. However, your memoir should be written in order, not just all over the place.
Your Little Oasis
"Shh quiet please and lets get started
I call to order this meeting of the broken hearted
I look around at all these new frightened faces
Well to those
Welcome, to your own little oasis
A land of broken dreams and lovers lost
Enjoy the cake and coffe at no extra cost
Be at ease. We've all been where you just went
As have I, not just a member but the club president
Together well mourn the death of old romance
And in twelve easy steps
I guarantee you a second chance
So please relax and get up from your seat
Tell us your name and how long its been
Since your hearts last beat
Ill start
My name is despair and well, I'm all alone
Its been three years now
Since my hearts beat on its own
And truth be told
It might not ever again
At least
Not the way it did back then"
Freddy Savarese
I call to order this meeting of the broken hearted
I look around at all these new frightened faces
Well to those
Welcome, to your own little oasis
A land of broken dreams and lovers lost
Enjoy the cake and coffe at no extra cost
Be at ease. We've all been where you just went
As have I, not just a member but the club president
Together well mourn the death of old romance
And in twelve easy steps
I guarantee you a second chance
So please relax and get up from your seat
Tell us your name and how long its been
Since your hearts last beat
Ill start
My name is despair and well, I'm all alone
Its been three years now
Since my hearts beat on its own
And truth be told
It might not ever again
At least
Not the way it did back then"
Freddy Savarese
Saturday, September 29, 2007
School Violence
School Violence is a big problem in school's today. It has been a problem since schools have been around, but has been getting much worse over the years. It has come to the point where kids who are bullied everyday, are afraid to come to school; they fear for their lives. It is no longer just teasing and name calling. Now it is down to the point of bully's actually threatening or physically hurting the bullied.
It is also no longer just in middle of high-school, but now elementary schools also. Some people say "Kids will be kids," but something has to be done. Teachers and parents should take certain precautions when they see kids being bullied, so that it doesn;t happen again. In some cases when children have been bullied since young ages it forces them to grow up more violent and in some cases more psychologically unbalanced than others. For example, the shooting in Virginia when a student walked through a machine gun and killed many students and professors. They say that when he was younger he was always the child who was tortured by bullys, and as a result he became unbalanced.
It is also no longer just in middle of high-school, but now elementary schools also. Some people say "Kids will be kids," but something has to be done. Teachers and parents should take certain precautions when they see kids being bullied, so that it doesn;t happen again. In some cases when children have been bullied since young ages it forces them to grow up more violent and in some cases more psychologically unbalanced than others. For example, the shooting in Virginia when a student walked through a machine gun and killed many students and professors. They say that when he was younger he was always the child who was tortured by bullys, and as a result he became unbalanced.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Shopping like it's going out of style
In my opinion, in today's world people shop like it's going oiut of style. As soon as someone gets a credit card, or debit card the shopping doesn't stop. They think well I have time to pay it off and I must have it let me just get it. Thats where the problem starts they just keep adding and adding, and when there bill come they can't believe they spent all that money.
The other thing I don't understand is why people have to have everything. I have friends who are very low on cash and have bills to pay...but as soon as the new ipod comes out or a new video game comes out that becomes more important to them. I also have other friends that as soon as they get paid run straight to the mall and buy five more shirts, then complain they have no money, or they have no clothes. They would never in a million years think to save up for a car, so they can back and forth to work and keep thier job. However, they would save $400 to het the new ipod of the newest video game system. I just don't understand how people can live like that.
The other thing I don't understand is why people have to have everything. I have friends who are very low on cash and have bills to pay...but as soon as the new ipod comes out or a new video game comes out that becomes more important to them. I also have other friends that as soon as they get paid run straight to the mall and buy five more shirts, then complain they have no money, or they have no clothes. They would never in a million years think to save up for a car, so they can back and forth to work and keep thier job. However, they would save $400 to het the new ipod of the newest video game system. I just don't understand how people can live like that.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Have you noticed that's the way men obsess over there appearnces have changed over the last 15 years. Boys now spend more time in the mirror then girls do. They even become more obsessed with their weight. I do know that weight is not only an appearence factor, it's for health also. However, in the 80's or 90's boys didn't care about there appearences as much. They used to just look like they rolled out of bed, picked up whatever they had on the floor and walked out the door. Now it seems like boys have just as much pressure as girls do. It also seems like girls are putting some of the pressure on guys now to. There are alot of things girls now critique boys on from their hair down to their shoes. Also magazines, and celebrities are puttin the pressure on too.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
I write for many reasons. I write to communicate and keep in touch. I write
to keep myself busy. I write to prove myself. I write to express my feelings, when I
have no other way to do it. I write to let someone know my thoughts, when I cannot
tell them face to face. I write when I have no one else to turn to. I write to gather
my thoughts. I write when I cannot talk. I write hoping someone feels the same way.
I write when other people cannot hear me. I write to tell stories. I write to create
and imagine. I write to share my knowledge. I write because, I can. I write to make
me feel better. I write because it’s a way of life. I write hoping that one day what I
write will help someone else, and maybe change their way of life. I write for
romance and love. I write to get things off my mind. I write to bring people closer
together. I write so the next generation knows what happened in the past.
I write for many reasons, but I think the main reason I write is to remember.
I write to remember memories I would never want to forget. I write to remember
facts and studies. I write to remember personal information about friends and
family. I write to remember things I have to do. I write to remember music and
stories. I write to remember great people in my life. I write as a backup to my
to keep myself busy. I write to prove myself. I write to express my feelings, when I
have no other way to do it. I write to let someone know my thoughts, when I cannot
tell them face to face. I write when I have no one else to turn to. I write to gather
my thoughts. I write when I cannot talk. I write hoping someone feels the same way.
I write when other people cannot hear me. I write to tell stories. I write to create
and imagine. I write to share my knowledge. I write because, I can. I write to make
me feel better. I write because it’s a way of life. I write hoping that one day what I
write will help someone else, and maybe change their way of life. I write for
romance and love. I write to get things off my mind. I write to bring people closer
together. I write so the next generation knows what happened in the past.
I write for many reasons, but I think the main reason I write is to remember.
I write to remember memories I would never want to forget. I write to remember
facts and studies. I write to remember personal information about friends and
family. I write to remember things I have to do. I write to remember music and
stories. I write to remember great people in my life. I write as a backup to my
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