Tuesday, December 4, 2007

National Lampons Christmas Vacation

Every Christmas me and my mother wait for our favorite Christmas movies to come on. Our favorite Christmas movie is "National Lampoons Christmas Vacation."

It is a great movie about a loving husband and father, named Clark Grizwald, and he is so into Christmas. He is kind of one of those Corney fathers, who has all those little jokes and plans all these little family get togethers. His wife is the same way and there one of those couples that have those little pet names for eachother. The kids are average teenagers, who just want to be with their friends and believe there parents are the most emarissing people on earth.

This Christmas the "Grizwald" family had invited the whole family over there house for Christmas. There family consits of the normal parents from both husband and wife, the really old and crazy aunt and uncle, and the most craziest cousin and his family. Clark tries to make it the best Christmas ever but, of course the family is always ther to make it as difficult as possibe.

This movie is hysterical and no matter how mant times me and my mom watch it, where always in tears. I give this movie five stars and it is a must see.

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